
Our great experts.

Their insights and knowledge are invaluable in addressing the challenges of climate change and promoting sustainable development in the Mekong region.

Minh Ton

Regional Sustainability Manager | ESG Reporting , Due Diligence & Assessment | GHG Accounting| Social Compliance | Circular Business & Design | Sustainability Leadership| Mindfulness Practitioner

Dženeta Mulabegović

Sustainable Development Specialist – Responsible Business Conduct, Circular Economy, SDG Impact Businesses, ESG

Phong Nguyen

Ph.D. James Cook University

Son Ho

Assoc.Prof. in Global Environmental Change

Bob Bower

Enhancing the sustainability of the Transboundary Cambodia – Mekong River Delta Aquifer (IUCN, Vietnam)

Chuong Chung

Enjoying Retirement and doing Delta works with love

Lien Duong

Associate Professor| CA|Sustainability|ESG|Carbon Accounting|Climate Change|International Educator

Thong Tran

Research Fellow, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Melbourne